Sometimes the best way to learn is to curl up with a good book.

To make Open Lines even more accessible, Lindsay is working on translating the framework and workshops to print.

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These days, most marketing books come in one of two flavors.

You’ll see exciting, inspiring, thought-provoking ideas about how to connect with audiences, create meaningful content, and engage with the culture around your offering.

On the other side, you’ll find what amounts to technical manuals. These kinds of marketing books focus on the tools and tactics needed to execute on the strategy inspired by the first kinds of books.

Open Lines is different, because it helps marketers answer difficult questions in straightforward ways:

  • Which tactics make the most sense for my audience?
  • What content do I need to create to serve them?

When you put the Open Lines Framework to work for your audiences, the results are for real.

Request a sample chapter now: Understanding Your Audience Journeys

The book will not just demonstrate the framework, but will actually teach it step-by-step.

The book is essentially a user manual for Open Lines.

A reader will be able to follow step-by-step instructions, supported by actual examples of the work done, and at the end they will have a tremendously powerful understanding of what marketing can do for their organization and how to go about doing it.

As the book walks you through the process of applying the particulars of your organization to the structure of the framework, you will build an actionable marketing strategy that is flexible enough to serve your organization as long as they continue the same offer to the same audiences. When new opportunities arise, new platforms launch, new resources become available, the completed framework continues to provide insight on how to proceed.

Who it's For

(and Who it's  Not For)

The truth is, this very tactical, very simple, very special process that yields an actionable marketing strategy isn’t for everyone. It scales, for sure, but it has diminishing returns for organizations with deep pockets. At least in this moment on the internet, a big budget can cover a multitude of sins. That might change and I’d love to see more organizations being more thoughtful about how they earn their customers’ trust, but until then, Open Lines isn’t really for them.

Audiences who will get the most value from this book include:

  • New and early stage entrepreneurs, a rapidly growing group of folks that know they need to understand marketing, but don’t want to get too into the weeds on practice or too idealistic about theory. Women and people of color are becoming a larger part of this group every day, and their reduced access to mentorship and startup capital increases the benefit they’ll receive from this approach.
  • Nonprofit leaders who see their programs and communications teams spending tremendous amounts of time and effort, prioritizing consensus, and still often failing to generate an impact.
  • Early- and mid-career marketers who are often told to just get it done, regardless of how much overtime they’ve worked, the results it will produce, or their chronic work/life imbalance.
  • Business accelerator advisors, investors, and mentors who see a lot of business and marketing plans and will quickly recognize the value of being able to adopt and recommend a powerful framework for marketing strategy.